Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chicago, so ILL. Get it?! Illinois?!

     Well, my life goal was never to be a comedian so whatevs. I hate meeting people I know at the gym, my face is all red and blotchy, I'm sweating profusely and my is screwed up into this strange, focused expression, closely resembling the one I wear when I'm sitting on the toilet. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only female, except for the runners, that actually workout. Maybe I just sweat an abnormal amount, but the girls I see always look so immaculate, they sashay their way over to the elliptical, sporting a tight outfit with strategically placed bright colors, accentuating their feminine bits, and their outfits are always, ALWAYS color coordinated. I've been tempted myself to go and pick up one of these outfits (that are really siren calls to men with heightened heart rates and pulsating muscles) but I decided against it. I'm at the gym to workout, I endeavor to attract men at a classier setting. Another reason to my aversion to such a purchase was the high price tag, really $70 for workout pants?! GET OUT OF TOWN.
      Anyway today was officially my DAY 2 of crash diet/forever diet:
      Today my gym grade was a C. I ran for 17 minutes only did 40 reps of ab work out and spinning (spun?) for 40 minutes.
     To get an A I would have to run for 25 minutes, 100 sit-up (a variety of positions that up to 100), i get on the spin for 40 minutes (rethinking this one, I think my calves are starting to make a comeback), maybe do the elliptical.
Calorie count for the day 1101, exercise -587 calories, calories left 300.
Little bit of happiness of the week:
      I'm in love with one of my professors, can't say much more other than that he's devastatingly handsome. Recently I wrote him an email about an assignment, his reply: blah blah blah smiley face. BOOM, I nearly keeled over from heart palpitations. "I Love Him" - Kenneth Parcell, 30 Rock. A surprisingly black name.

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